Spring Cleaning Tips For Crafters – Part 2

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These spring cleaning tips come from my own experience with trying to organize my craft space. I have organized it into a series of blogs that I am doing for crafters. My previous blog touched on a few tips for planning your spring cleaning adventure. Today, I will cover a few more spring cleaning tips. 

Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring Cleaning Tips

Are you one of the crafters like me who face a crafting space dilemma from time to time? If your answer is a yes, then these tips will help you greatly. When organizing your home, you need to consider planning some of these things. :

Daydreaming  & Creating:

While spring cleaning, don’t start creating things. Instead, note down your ideas. Then keep the supplies needed for creating things out of your ideas in a basket labelled as “Ideas” along with a tag outlining the idea.

I normally get stuck when I sit with my craft supplies surrounding me. It is as if I am “Alice in Wonderland” and I love being in it forever. But reality hits me hard when I see the time it took me to do something which should have been done hours ago.


Energy Work:

If you a suffering from a illness or are generally short of energy, start with very small areas to de-clutter at a time. Know your limits. If you know that you can only do one of the three activities in a day, only do that much in a day. You might get sick by trying to do more than you can handle. Do not stress yourself.

De-cluttering all at once is not good. It clears out concentrated stagnant energy all at once overwhelming the body & the soul. This can sometimes make you sick all of a sudden temporarily.


Paper v/s Virtual Saving:

When not necessary, do not use paper to write your spring cleaning plans as you might lose it in your hoard while organizing things, Use virtual space, like saving it on your laptop, computer, iPad or cellphone.


Plan about things to let go:

“Keep what is worth keeping and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.” – Dinah M.Craik

Whenever you spring clean, you will realize that things fall under these 5 categories:

  • Things that can be used in your home or for crafting.
  • Things that can be sold.
  • Things that you can gift to someone who might like it better than you.
  • Things that you must throw away.
  • Anything that you don’t relate to anymore.

Plan separate mock areas for each of these categories so you know where to keep related things while cleaning.

Since, we are on the subject of spring cleaning….what is destash for me may be a treasure to you. If you are looking for some craft supplies/ handmade items at destash prices, please check my destash album & let me know if you like anything. I will also be adding a lot of destash items from my spring cleaning challenge for myself this month. You will find it in my Destash category. More items will be added soon.

Stay tuned for more spring cleaning tips, ideas, projects in my upcoming blogs.